Dom Soundcloud Playlist

vineri, 24 februarie 2012

Mi-am dorit sa te desenez

In seara asta,
Mi-am dorit sa te
Desenez pe tine
In randurile mele.
Din mine, sa te astern
Delicat pe coli albe,
Sa-mi atingi mana
Cu mana ta...desenata fin,
Sa te ridici dintre randuri
Si sa-mi smulgi
Cactusii din piept si
Privirile de gheata
Sa-mi topesti
Cu atingerea...
Dar nu am indraznit
Sa te dezbrac
Si sa te asez
Pe colile mele murdare...
Am sa te visez doar,
Am sa-ti colorez
Buzele in rosu aprins
...In vis...
Si am sa-ti desfac parul,
Sa-l simt cum
Imi magaie fata,
Se apropie ca o felina,
Ce vrea sa mi te ia.
Hai sa mai zabovim putin...
In pat, sa desenam
Pe tavan dragostea,
Sa o conturam
Pe pereti si pe podea...
Pana, din nou, rasare luna!
M-am trezit brusc...
Imi era frig, tremuram,
Eram dezvelit si
Perna ta, suspina!

joi, 23 februarie 2012

The Roots ft. Monsters of Folk - Dear God 2.0

Dear God, I’m trying hard to reach you
Dear God, I see your face in all I do
Sometimes, it’s so hard to believe it…
But God, I know you have your reasons

They said he’s busy hold the line please
Call me crazy, I thought maybe he could mind read
Who does the blind lead?
Give me a sign please
If everything is made in China, are we Chinese?
And why do haters separate us like we siamese?
Technology turning the planet into zombies
Everybody all in everybody’s dirty laundry
Acid rain, earthquakes, hurricane, tsunamis
Terrorist, crime sprees, assaults, and robberies
Cops yellin’ stop, freeze
Shoot him before he try to leave
Air quality so foul, I gotta try to breath
Endangered species
And we runnin’ out of trees

If I could hold the world in the palm of these
Hands, I would probably do away with these anomalies
Everybody checkin’ for the new award nominee
Wars and atrocities
Look at all the poverty

Ignoring the prophecies
More beef than broccoli
Corporate monopoly
Weak World economy
Stock market topplin’
Mad marijuana oxycotton and klonopin
Everybody out of it?

Well I’ve been thinkin’ about
And I’ve been breakin’ it down
Without an answer

I know I’m thinking out loud
But if you’re lost and around
Why do we suffer?
Why do we suffer?

Yeah… It’s still me, one of your biggest fans
I get off work
Right back to work again
I probably need to go ahead and have my head exam
Look at how they got me on the Def Jam payment plan

Well, I’m in the world of entertainment and
Trying to keep a singing man sane for the paying fans
If I don’t make it through the night, slight change of plans
Harp strings, angel wings, and praying hands

Lord, forgive me for my shortcomings
For going on tour and ignoring the court summons
All I’m trying to do is live life to the fullest
They sent my daddy to you in a barrage of bullets

Why is the world ugly when you made it in your image?
And why is livin’ life such a fight to the finish?
For this high percentage
When the sky’s the limit
A second is a minute, every hour’s infinite

Dear God, I’m trying hard to reach you
Dear God, I see your face in all I do
Sometimes, it’s so hard to believe it..

marți, 14 februarie 2012

Eu n-am vrut sa te fac sa plangi

Eu, n-am vrut
Sa te fac sa plangi...
Si acum...
Ma simt ca un dreptaci
Ce are doar doua maini stangi,
Ca un supravietuitor...
Pe o barca esuata-n larg,
Ce e purtata de valuri,
Spre nemiloasele
Degeaba inot acum...
Impotriva curentului,
Nu va spala apa,
Urmele fardului tau,
De pe tricoul alb...
Ma las prada valului...
O sa ma poarte-n larg.
Aminteste-mi de mine
Cand ne vom regasi
Si am sa-ti repet amnezic...
Eu nu am vrut sa te ranesc!
Regret stiu
Cum sa plutesc,
Spre unde vrei tu sa te gasesc.
Nu am vrut sa te fac sa plangi...
Invata-ma sa zbor spre unde esti...